Locator stack and API

I purchased Locator stack. It will do what I want it to do when I get it going!

1-I got my API, but when I enter it into the stack no map shows up.

2-Does this has something to do with restrictions? What settings should be selected.


I used Google support chat and was surprised and pleased at the quality of the support.

Here’s what he said I needed that was missing:
1-Geocode API. Just a matter of enabling.
2-HTTP restrictions. These came in the form of https://.rjhoney.com/ and

Boom! Locator stack starts working.

@willwood offered some other help. There was a thread on what developers charge and support. You can read my response, but briefly, I don’t think they charge enough. Will has been great. @joeworkman has been outstanding. For the quality of support they’ve given me their products are underpriced.

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