Looking for Developer - Payment Processing


My knowledge of RapidWeaver is limited, after helping a friend create a site I am unable to take it to the next level. My friend is looking for someone to create and maintain his professional services site.

The biggest issue here will be a proper, secure payment processing system that will safely and efficiently process payments. The payments methods need to include all credit cards, PayPal, checks or e-checks and all other popular online payment methods. Atlanta GA area location desirable, but not required.

Please contact me here for further discussion. Thank you!

I would look into RapidCart, Payloom, or Cartloom. All of these work great and work great in RapidWeaver.

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Hello Joe

I own most of the ones you list. However, they are mostly geared to “items” not services. Also, my friend wants to provide all forms of payments, including e-checks. The real issues are; I am not an expert and don’t have the time.

Thank you for the feedback!

Take a look at Ecwid. Not sure of the e-check option, but it might.

Hello zeebe

Everything I see (Mac based) caters to retail, the shopping cart metaphor. I/my friend needs a payment processing for “services” that will accept just about any form of payment.

Let me know and thank you!

not sure what you need me to let you know about. I have used this on a site, but I am not sure exactly what you want, but you can check out the site and they can tell you.

@Voltaic Are these services hourly or project based? Maybe an invoicing solution is what you’re looking for? Maybe something like Fusion Invoice? @willwood uses this. I know he likes (loves?) it.