Lost the ability to publish websites in 6.4

Have had no issues publishing websites until recently. Now i only get a few pages out the total and it freezes. If I export and use an FTP program to upload, the site is updated. Its within RW that I can not publish and it seems to have happened very recently - Anything I should look for?

FWIW I’ve found publishing in 6.4 to pretty stable. When I’ve had problems it’s always been something at the host end that’s either changed or has gone a bit willocky for an hour or a day.

But RW itself is pretty good. It’s one of the reasons I haven’t upgraded to 7.x.


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There are a couple of options I’d check:

  1. In the RapidWeaver prefs there’s a “smart publishing” feature. Try changing it.
  2. In the Publishing Setup for the site there’s a gear menu. It has a few options. I’d try them all.

My guess is that there’s some particular file that it’s getting hung up on. And perhaps one of the other modes might make it work a bit better.

If none of those work, I’d contact RealMac Software and send them a copy of the project.
