Are there any map stacks out there that will work with Reveal. I have Maps2 and it doesn’t work with Pop Drop at all Are there any others that do?
Anybody know if @instacks Open Street Map 2 works with Pop Drop
bit more detail please When you say ‘doesn’t work’ what do you mean? I assume you’re trying to get a map to pop up in a lightbox/ modal. Is it not showing at all? Have you tried it ‘published’ rather than just in preview mode? And do you mean the Reveal lightbox stack by JW? Finally, is the map working without the lightbox? Some of them need Google APIs whereas some have the API baked in.
I think even im getting confused with what im trying to do!
I have published it yes, and the map still does not show at all.
I have a JW Reveal Lightbox that I want to put a map into!
after publishing it doesn’t work or even show up!
The API key is in there ok and it works within the rapid weaver preview weirdly!
Ive put the same map at the bottom and that is ok in preview too but doesn’t show when published.
Ive had a similar problem with Maps 2 working when it’s inside another stack like tabs or reveal.
It’s yabdab filter with the reveal Lightbox triggered by the find out more button! inside that is 1LD Author Card.
The map should show up above the words click for opening times!
Does that all make sense?
The Pop drop thing by the way… I originally had the map in a pop drop stack which said click for map but that didn’t work and the didn’t show up either! so, I ditched the pop drop idea!
Confused? yeah me too
Unfortunately, the tiles aren’t correctly loaded when opening the map in the overlay. You only see some parts of the map, also scrolling does not reveal all parts of the map.
I guess that’s related to some kind of missed focusing and could also be the case for other map stacks.
If you put the Maps stack inside of the Reveal Launcher drop zone, does it not work?
I had the same problem using a reveal stack and any of the map stacks that I have. It was working at one point with Maps2. The website is Foundation based. After testing all combinations I ended up using OpenStreetMap from Instacks and placing the map alone on it’s own stacks page which uses a blank theme. On the pages where I wished to display it I ended up using a peek-a-boo stack containing a Offsite stack. Both stacks are from Joe Workman.
I can’t speak for every map stack out there, but Map2 will not work if placed inside any element that is not going to be visible at page load time. It’s something we have not found a way to overcome with the Google maps api.
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