Missing plugins: SiteMap Plus Question

Hi, I am very new to RapidWeaver. I just purchased it to work on a project that was already underway for my company. When I try to open those existing files I get an error message. Where do I get this plugin so I can see the files that were created for us?

Missing plugins: SiteMap Plus

Try this

Ugh, that didn’t work.

I get this error first…

The Foundation theme that this document uses is missing. If you open this project, RapidWeaver will apply the Offroad theme. Are you sure you still want to open this project?

Foundations has two versions that could have been used.

Foundation is a framework. It has a theme and a ton of stacks (you’ll need the stacks Plugin as well).

Most third-party addons in RapidWeaver are licensed to the individual user, so you’ll need to purchase your copy of each.

If you have a URL to the published site, someone here, on the forum might be able to tell you what plugins and stacks are on the page.

The problem is without knowing all the third party addons that the other person(s) used your going to probably find a lot more missing stuff.

Thank you Doug, I’m going to reach out to the original designer to see if they can shed some light. Thank you so much for your help.

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