Hi fellow weavers,
I’d appreciate your kind help in adjusting the Armadillo blog page within a site built with the Mountains theme. http://cp.rathmair.eu/ http://cp.rathmair.eu/Tipps/ (this is the blog page)
Since I prefer another font than the one in Mountain, I use the Fontstack to pull in an Open Sans font everywhere.
Here is my list of questions:
How can I get the blog entry header in size 32, with Open Sans font, and with a golden background like in the headers I am using on other pages?
I want to lessen the distance between blog entries
Maybe a single line could be a divider between the blog entries, or maybe a soft background color for the blog entry box, so that there is a clear distinction between blog postings
The date format should be dd. month year
That is enough for now. Thanks for any help!
I can’t answer all your questions but I’ve played around with the settings on my blog to try to mimic your header. You need to add custom CSS in the Armadillo Settings>General Settings. The following is as close as I could get to your header but there is less padding around the text. Others might be able to improve on this.
I used a colour meter to get the hex values. You will have more accurate values from the Theme. You will also need to change Helvetica to the correct font name.
Thank you, Doug, your codes were so helpful for me. And I found a few more codes for getting the letters off from the left border, increase the height of the colored box etc.
I appreciate you taking time to help! Really great!