I built www.seattletavern.com and need to change it where different domain names get used for each piece of the site. For example, I own ninepoundhammer.com and want to use that for the nine pound hammer portion of the site. I own all the matching domain names, but not sure how to set this up. Ideas?
The easiest way is to make each one a seperate RW project.
Thanks! Would I just change all the pages for the other sites “offsite pages”? For example, if I am on the tavern site, and I want to look at the ninepoundhammer page, I would make the nine pound page an offsite link instead?
That’s certainly one option, I’m not real clear on what you are after.
Why not just send them to the nine pound hammer site in another tab?
Sounds right to me…
Use them as sub domains
Thanks everyone! This is exactly what I was looking for!