Navigation Stack - thanks Yuzool

Just a quick note of thanks to Michael (Yuzool) for adding yet another request of mine into his Navigation stack. He had already added most (if not all) of my requests…just one more popped up while I was deploying it (, for example). I could set the breakpoint for showing the hamburger, but the dropdown function (desktop or responsive) was still preset. Michael just updated this too.

If you’re using the brilliant Foundation theme, but find TopBar lacking (especially on mobile devices), check out Yuzool’s Navigation stack - it has become my go-to menu solution. For good reason.


Me too, thanks Michael @yuzool :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks @dave + @TINO for all your support + suggestions this year and have a good 2019!

The products wouldn’t get better without users like yourselves taking such care to use them and identify potential areas that could be better - and to then making helpful suggestions and feedback!

Been great working with you over 2018 :slight_smile:


I must confess that after struggling with Top Bar and other options the Navigation Stack was a breeze to use and configure - I just wish I had found it earlier !!


Thanks @csmltd! But I’m glad you’ve found it now at least :slight_smile:

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I am considering getting this Navigation stack. I’m curious, does it run fine with straight html, or is php required?

Yes, no PHP required.

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