The green background color behind the text indicates that you’ve somehow defined all text to be “header” (not only the text for the header in the first line). Simply select the text which should not be in the size of the header and choose “Format” -> “Clear Formatting” from the RW dropdown menu. Then you should be good to go…
You are correct but I have also noticed a problem with formatting recently. I format one line of text as a header and next time I look the whole paragraph is green. However the text in preview still looks fine! I’m careful how I do it, making sure there are one or two carriage returns between the header and text and only then formatting the header. Still happens though. And whether it renders as all header or not seems quite random.
Perhaps it’s time to go the Markdown route: avoids all this messiness. Up to you, but markdown is easy to learn and takes care of headers, paragraphs, block quotes, lists and much more.
agree - I use markdown quite a bit. The experience above was in Go CMS and I didn’t use Markdown because not sure if my client would then have to edit in Markdown - which he doesn’t know at all. Should have checked that out but formatting html option was quick and easy although ultimately problematic!