Nothing happening when I click 'publish'

I’m trying to update my site for the first time in months. I’ve made the changes I want to make, but when I click publish, nothing happens. I’ve checked with my hosting provider and verified that the publishing settings are correct. If I click ‘test’ it says my connection test was successful.

When I try to publish an individual page, I briefly see the “exporting” box but then it disappears, and nothing changes.

What might be preventing my site from publishing?

The page isn’t set to Draft per chance is it?

It’s not!

Check out our troubleshooting guide here then as that usually clears up most problems.

But I can’t access your site right now, maybe there are some issues on the hosting side. :man_shrugging:

Huh, that’s very odd. I’ve tried the site on multiple devices/browsers, and it loads fine for me, I just can’t publish any changes.

I don’t think there are issues on the hosting side. I’ve been communicating with them for the past hour, trying to work this out. The site also loads for them without issue, and they’ve verified that the publishing credentials are correct.

Would need to see it in action then. Perhaps make a screen recording and post it here, or send it to us at so we can take a look.

I solved, it, actually! For some reason it was no longer recognizing my banner image. Once I deleted and re-uploaded the image, I was able to publish successfully.

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