Off road theme and sale information


First Question:
I used Rapidweaver for a long time with an old Imac.
I bought RW 4.3 licence from Smith Micro company.
Now with my new Imac I’d like to return to use RW. Can I buy the cheaper licence (upgrade 40$), with a new installation?

Second Question:
I downloaded trial version…I like a lot “Off Road” theme…it’s perfect for my site…But big problem: the text do not accept lines break…editor is ok, but preview shows the text without lines break…impossible to be accepted why this bug? How to solve it?
If it is not possible to solve, can you suggest to me a responsive similar theme free or cheap?

Thank you!

The first question is for @dan to answer. The second has been covered here:


Thank you Fuelleman for your quick reply.
I followed the solutions indicated on link you suggested to me, I can replace or remove javascript from Theme rw_common files but it solves the problem after an export, and the line breaks are present only in published site…but not on “preview” during site development…for me is not good…
Is there other way to modify “off road” theme in order to find line breaks also in preview???

Hi, I am sorry - you will need to talk to the designer of that theme for more information. But I would advise you to either use a more modern theme or to start with a framework - like a white canvas and some tools to create your own designs. Look at Foundry for a start.

I’d like to buy Rapidweaver because I need a simple application with a designed theme…I don’t have the time to design and develop a personal theme…
With small adjustments “Off road” theme would be perfect for me…

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