I have started using Foundry to rebuild some websites. I wanted to add a private page so I purchased Page Safe. I added page safe to the page and it worked OK. But there was no way I could get a log out button to work. Any ideas.
Did you use the ‘Logout’ stack for your site? Maybe for testing purposes in combination with the standard Button stack that comes together with the Stacks plugin? If this combination works, you may try some other more fancy button stacks inside the Logout stack…
Yes tried that. Thanks anyway.
Just to be sure, how are you checking that the PageSafe logout button works or doesn’t work?
What are you expecting to happen when you click Logout, if you have PageSafe set to redirect, does it do so? and if you then go back to the protected page, do you see the PageSafe login.
Just having the logout button on a page and clicking it won’t do anything until you try to revisit the page.
Thanks for the suggestions, it is now working properly.
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