Pages outside of rapidweaver


Bit of a weird one here - I’m making a website for my sister, very simple. However I want a page or two for her to be able to edit outside of rapidweaver, something like a blog or a page that she can simply add the odd image too and then that loads automatically. Any ideas of the best way to achieve this, I am aware of word press for example but don’t want to go down that road.

Thank you!

to do this you need to add a CMS (Content Management System). There are several options and they will need some research on your part to see what works. The options I am aware of are:

Joe Workman : Total CMS and Easy CMS

Yuzool Themes : Dropkick CMS

Nimblehost’s : Armadillo

Stacks4Stacks : DropCMS

There may well be others but I don’t know. They vary in complexity and cost. Sounds like you need a basic solution.

As far as a blog solution - again there are several. Here’s a thread from last year which should help: Blogging in Rapidweaver.

Obviously a blog doesn’t offer the page layout flexibility of a CMS but it could work for you.


Simplest way I can think of to do it would be to get her to create a free Tumblr blog and then use the MicroBlog stack to bring it into your RW site.

The stack is here -

She would create a post in Tumblr and then publish it. Seconds later, it’ll appear on the RW site, styled to fit in with everything else.


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If you want both a Blog and a CMS system, Total CMS, currently in beta, offers a great Blog. One you can set up to look and feel the way you want it to. It does not use a database so nothing to set up, just make the content page, make the admin page and you are good to go. Also gives you many different views to choose from.

You might like to try Kuler Edits:

I use it on the news page of my site at:

It’s simple and cheap and you don’t need to go for a full-blown CMS.

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Thanks for the mention @manofdogz!

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