I have a problem I never noticed before and I do not know if it is a problem of Stacks, Foundation or RapidWeaver (or a problem caused by myself):
I build a Foundation project. I place content into a 1-Column stack - there are no special settings, no margin, no padding. The Styles stack is the default stack without any changes. Everything seems to be O.K.
Now a make a partial from that (no changes with the settings) and the content will jump to the left.
I tested with RapidWeaver 6, 7.0.3 and 7.1 beta - it’s always the same. Maybe other users could use the download link and test, if the issue happens on their systems
Could you really open the file I uploaded to Dropbox with RapidWeaver 6? It should not possible because the project is for RapidWeaver 7.1. I Forgot to provide a download for 7.0 and 6.x
I tried only what i could see on your pic in your first post.
Now i downloaded your project file.
It is the floating body, that kills you.
Without floating body but with a one column stack instead it works.
But never the less, it shouldn’t.
It is an issue with just Floating Body. Stack adds a couple of extra divs for the partial that Floating Body was not expecting. The quick solution would be to put everything inside a single 1 Column Foundation stack. That seems to fix it for now. I will look into this more and try to come up with an update.