Paste as plain text problem in 8.1.1

I’m finding that text I copy and paste into a text stack using ‘Paste as Plain Text’ is rendering in a darker shade than text I type. I can’t think what has changed other than my update to 8.1.1. It seems that ‘paste as plain text’ isn’t completely stripping out formatting in the way that it normally does. Is anyone else experiencing this?

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You could try highlighting/selecting the text and then “Clear Formatting” under “Format”. That’s my normal workflow.

I don’t use the method you do, so not sure if it’s an issue or not.

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I’ve tried that but it doesn’t work either. Most odd!

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Not sure what’s going on with your pasting. I just did a test and paste as plain text works fine for me. Also tested Clear formatting. Running 8.1.1.

I’ve run into something like this today. I suspect it is actually a bug. I’ve filed a bug report with Realmac.

The text that is “Pasted As Plain Text” is getting wrapped in a <span> with an inline style that sets the text color to #000000.


Thank you, it’s nice to know I’m not doing something stupid!

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No, I don’t believe you are doing anything weird. Myself and a few other developers have been able to reproduce this bug with a simple Styled Text page. As I mentioned, I’ve submitted a bug report with the reproducible steps to Realmac, so I’m sure @dan and crew will have a look at it when they can and get it sorted out.

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I’ve just updated to 8.1.2. Unfortunately this bug hasn’t been fixed. Text that is pasted as plain text is still appearing in black. It is quite an annoying bug. When it is eventually fixed I’m going to have to go through every page I’ve been working on recently and sort it out. The only other fix would be to change the colour of Content text from grey to black in the Master Style. The bug wouldn’t then be noticeable.

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Hey there @hamisherskine – That bug was not listed in the change log for the v8.1.2 update, so I wouldn’t expect that it would be addressed unless it was mentioned.

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Bug still not fixed in 8.1.3. I’m holding out for 8.1.4 and hoping it will have been addressed.


@tpbradley or @dan
Any Updates on this?

@hamisherskine Thanks for reporting this, would you be able to send your project file and steps to reproduce it to with a subject of “FAO: Tom #3018”.


Good morning @tpbradley — I reported this on the developer portion of the forum, with reproducible steps and screenshots, about a week or so ago, along with other developers that are able to reproduce the problem as well. That thread should give you the steps to recreate the bug if that helps you or @dan out.

Hi @tpbradley I’ve just emailed you a basic project file to illustrate, which is also published at

Excellent, thanks!

@hamisherskine @teefers Good news! I believe I’ve fixed this in RapidWeaver 8.1.4 beta, available here RapidWeaver 8.1.4 Beta 2 (Build 20634b)


Thanks @tpbradley, I’ve just tested the 8.1.4 beta and yes, it seems fine now.


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