PlusKit 4 -- Built for RapidWeaver 7

Hi Isaiah,

Totally understand that. I’ll try and cut the project down to just the 2 pages and send it across.

Kind Regards,

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@doone128: sounds good. :thumbsup:

@isaiah - please is there a page somewhere which tells me exactly what PlusKit is all about. I had a look at the ‘More Info’ link you provided, but came away none the wiser other than I could search my site and add lightboxes. I don’t use Google docs.


Thanks for all the hard work on updating this plugin! I have a question, in the announcement you say, “Note: If you’re still using an earlier version of RapidWeaver just still with PlusKit 3.”

I’m a little unclear as to what that means. Does it mean that PK4 will not work with RW6 and that we should continue to use PK3 with that install?


@grajay - it’s such a long-standing part of the RapidWeaver ecosystem that i forget sometime that some folks are coming to it brand-new. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t have a page like that – but I think it’s a good idea.

The primary use case is pretty simple: @import

@import” allows you to bring the content from one page into the content of another page.

If you have Page-A and Page-B you can place somewhere in the styled text of Page A:

@import((Page B))

PlusKit will inject the content of Page B right into that spot. Kind of neato.

In practice I see people using it for all sorts of interesting things:

  • put the content of another page into the sidebar.
  • segment a document for better modularity
  • partition things for localization

But, I should probably provide a hint of caution too. PlusKit is a power-user tool, not meant for the timid. It’s easy to create tangles of @import and slow your document to crawl.

Give it a try – but start slowly – learn to walk before you run. :smiley:


Yes, that’s exactly what it means. :smiley:

The requirements state this plainly, but it’s good to say it again so everyone knows. Thanks for asking!

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Thanks for the reply @isaiah - I’ve seen your other post about PlusKit, and have a better idea what it’s about. I’ll think on it.

If PlusKit 4 is for RW7 only (as it is) I wonder why my RW6 tells me about an upgrade available an let me do it right away. That’s what I did and as a result PlusKit 3 or 4 (I can not see a PlusKit file using RWs AddOn manger) is not there but pops up a notice that it can not run :frowning:
@isaiah: I have sent you a support request about that.
If a user accidentally installs PlusKit 4 in RW6 what are the steps to downgrade to PlusKit3? Since the popup telling me that PlusKit 4 won’t run on my RW version still exists the downgrad failed as an automatic procedure and needs manual work.
Maybe there are other users having the same situation and need some kind of support. Thank you

Hi Isaiah,
I bought PlusKit 3 on the 17/01/17.
Do I have to repurchase PlusKit 4.
Thank you.


Your question can be answered here:

To save you time, here is a specific quote from that page

If I bought PlusKit recently, can I get the upgrade free?
Of course! In fact if you bough PlusKit from YourHead Software at any time – yes all the way back to March 2016 – the serial number you already have will automatically unlock PlusKit 4. It just knows and works like magic. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :dizzy:

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Thanks Isaiah. Although as I use Partials with Foundation I have no real use for PlusKit anymore. So I have an issue with PlusKit3 constantly wanting me to upgrade to v4 every time I launch RW. Is it possible to turn this off? Thanks!

This is great news - thanks for all your hard work and for $9.95 I will certainly be contributing towards your kids new shoes :+1:

Yes, I’m aware of this. It’s not a nice situation. :frowning:

RapidWeaver always updates. It doesn’t have logic to check compatibility. If I post an update – RapidWeaver grabs it – regardless of consequences.

In most cases of paid upgrades or updates that are not backward compatible – I simply don’t post the updater – I let people download it manually instead.

Sometimes there are exceptions: when there is a critical update that users really really need – then I post it.

PlusKit 4 is one of these. RapidWeaver 7.1’s new threading made PlusKit 3 very very broken for many people. Since RW 7 is the vast majority of RW users now – it seemed important to do the right thing for the greater good – even though it would inconvenience some RW 6 users.

Also: I should mention that I’ve formally asked RealMac for a feature which would allow me to target updates to specific versions. It’s probably not a very huge change – so perhaps this will come in the future.


Upgrading from Plus Kit 3. The new version downloaded and installed. I am not able to make the purchase when redirected to your site. There are elements missing from the cart page. None of the links work. Using Safari 10


Sales of the PlusKit upgrade have been typical for the past few days – so other folks seem to be successful enough. No other user reports of this sort of thing. I monitor downtime at YourHead and Cartloom. Neither has reported any for over 30 days.

Maybe just a fluke? Give it another go? Try a different browser? Reload the page? That sort of thing.

If you provide some more details about what you’re seeing or any errors on the page then I’d be happy to check them out.

Sort of a basic thing - but shouldn’t there be a description of what PlusKit IS & does?

@Runamok - can’t tell if you’re joking?

The PlusKit homepage has some basic descriptions, a list of features, and some highlights of the new features in PK 4 – and screenshots too of course. Plus it’s “Try before you buy.” So you can download and play with it for as long as you like to get a feel for what it does.

Hopefully that about does it. :wink: I try not to get too wordy or too long on those product descriptions – that tends to scare off more people than it brings in. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

If you mean something more reference manual-ish – we’ve got that too:

That said, PlusKit is a bit of an odd-duck. It’s does a bunch of seemingly unrelated things (they’re actually very related – just at a super-nerdy-code level). It’s a tough thing to describe succinctly. So we tend to use some odd analogies: “multi-tool”, “kitchen-sink-app” etc.


Most folks use it just for one thing: @ import – it allows you to grab the content of one page and inject it into another one.

If you have any specific suggestions about ways we could improve our pages, just let me know.


Hi Isaiah,

Not completely joking. I’m sure its excellent. People rave about it here.
I’m not casting aspersions, but I do question how awkward it is to make selections here among many of the choices & I don’t mean to single out your new offering.

Honestly: I don’t think the pages describe well what it is designed to do & what niche it fills. Just a quibble.

There are a lot of software bits & pieces that sometimes compete with each other & some that really don’t. One choice or another may have to do with what else you own, or merely whim.

Decisions for webpage designers may be different than a one-off site. Does it make sense to buy Foundation, Foundry & PlusKit expecting different things; that they complement each other, or do they overlap alot?

The test drives are nice to have.

I do think a lot of plug-ins read as though they "do stuff - and more.”
They probably do. Its a matter of test driving them to even grasp what it is they do, if it meets a need I have. I don’t think that’s your best sales angle. Would be better to have a little bit more abt why I should look at it, even IF everyone raves about it.

@Runamok - thanks for the detailed critique. appreciated. i’ll try to do better.

Sorry, wrong thread. Sometimes I shut my brain down for maintenance.

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