RW 8.0.3
The PlusKit FAQ says:
You need to have at least two pages in your RapidWeaver document: the source page and the destination page. In a text area on the destination page, type the following
where “source_page_name” is the name of the page that you are importing.
Once you’ve entered that text, when you preview the destination page, you should see the source page inserted.
- The existing, RW built-in Photo Gallery has no text area where this code can be inserted. Adding text under the html body text “@import((Photo Gallery))” writes that phrase to the generated web page but does not function so as to import anything. Same with adding that phrase to the html header tab.
- Assuming there’s an answer to #1, now there are two pages for the purposes of navigation with the same name. Naming the orginal built-in gallery “Photo Gallery 1” and the PlusKit target page “Photo Gallery 2” will be confusing to users because the content is the same.
- How can I put a Stack onto the supplied Photo Gallery page? (“Put this stack on a separate page, and import it with PlusKit into your Photo Album page”)??
PlusKit’s FAQ also says, “Most of the time, if you’ve followed all the requirements and the import is not working, then it simply won’t work.”
Does the Photo Gallery supplied with RW (with ten or so images) then qualify as a “complex” page??
The purpose of this is create a photo gallery where a click on the thumbnail of an image brings up a magnified image. This is supposed to work, but it does not. Hence the need to use PlusKit, or…
Have already contacted the developer.
Observation: RW-supplied pages do not play well with Stacks.
Test page: