Podcast Page Plugin: What plugins are available?

Hi, Looking for other RW designer/users with experience creating podcasts and would love to hear your experience with building a website focused on delivering info and the podcast feeds.

It’s been awhile since I have last updated RW so I’m a little behind on what’s currently available. I’m looking for a podcast page plugin, whether it be a WP type page or something else, I’m open to hearing about all options.

Currently, I have a great hosting company so hosting the podcast files is totally doable for me. I am also weighing in the options between self hosted, Libsyn or possibly even soundclound.

I really just need a page with the subscribe button and a way to link to the absolute url. I remember from the older version of RW that this was pretty simple, I think it was an RSS page, sorry, like I said, it’s been a while.

I am also open to any suggestions regarding file naming for podcast episodes. I plan to host the main domain for all the webpage, html/php, images etc. on one domain, and the actual podcasts will be on a subdomain, for example. podcast.reaktivmusic.com where reaktivmusic.com is the main site. I am going to do it this way in case down the road I were to change hosting for the podcast files or for the main site etc… My current host makes this pretty easy to do.

Thanks in advance!!

Hi Jeff,

Poster Stack allows you to create a iTunes compatible RSS feed.

I think @richardnicholls set this up already.


Cheers, Jannis

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Hi Jannis, Thank you. I appreciate the info. Posterstack looks like a nice option, and I can see using some of the other features as well.

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