I have a website that I am needing to aquire some info(Name and email) that caused them to plug in that info then it allows them to download a pdf once the info is submitted. Suggestions?
How are you sending the emails? If Mailchimp for example, just do a Mailchimp form and redirect to PDF page to download upon success (or send it out as a download in the thank you email).
This can also be created with the RapidWeaver standard contact form
Thank you, my client is not using mail chimp. And I wanted it to be incorporated into my home page without directing to a entire form.
This might do the trick - https://stacks4stacks.com/lookup/
You could use Joe Workkman’s Call To Action stack with any of these lightbox stacks and then Joe’s Post Office stack. The Post Office stack then has an option to redirect you to another page upon submission. This could be the page where they get the PDF.
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