I have no idea why this is not working, but the more expedient way to get things done may be to get LinkBox stack (as Oscar suggested). It’s a great stack, it’s free, and it works flawlessly. Check it out here: https://stacks4stacks.com/linkbox/
On the other hand, if you want to bang your head against a wall trying to overcome RW quirks then by all means proceed without LinkBox!
Glad things are working now. LinkBox is a joy to use. Works particularly well with various Grid stacks so you have a nice look set of links (internal or external) that are responsive.
Undertood. Thanks again Oscar. I’m going to try Linkbox. I know nothing about it, but a problem that I’m having with the current grid system is that, while it’s responsive (a requirement), it does not order grid elements in the way I need them.