Hello, I’ll try to be clear…
I have Rapidweaver 6.3.8 and Yosemite 10.10.5.
I sometimes use Rapidweaver for little websites and, since the last time I opened one of these (and that means today), the structure of existing websites is not kept when I preview my pages in RW or in Safari.
It means that, for example, if I have a Foundation Two columns page, with a picture on the right and a text on the left, without having changed anything in my RW project, these two elements are now previewed and exported one under the other (the left column comes first and, below, the content of the right column). If I put a divider between the two columns ; it appears on the left, on height of the picture + the text… And the exact same thing is happening with a 3 or 4 column…
And, as I said ; this problem is not happening on a new project ; it applies to my existing RW projects…
So ; do you have an idea of what could be the problem here ???
What version of the Foundation theme and what version of the Foundation stacks? Inside RapidWeaver, open the addons manager by holding down command and pushing 7, then in the search window, type in Foundation. This will bring up the themes for Foundation. The version for that should be 1.7.0.
Then in the search window, type in pack, and you should get all 3 of the Foundation packs (if you have them all installed). They version for the stacks should be 1.7.1
So I just installed a downloaded “Foundation Theme” and it works now !
I’m in 1.7.0 now (maybe I’ll be able to become a real 1.7.1 sometimes), but things are going well now.
I have a question ; do this upgrade should not be automatically proposed ?..
RapidWeaver does not offer automatic updates for themes yet. If you want automatic updates for themes, we suggest you get the Waterfall plugin by Nimblehost - http://nimblehost.com/store/waterfall/
Foundation works great with this and if you add the Waterfall plugin to your project file, it will check for updates for you.