I have two NAS servers. I have been using to newer one for a few years. The old one is just a backup. My Project was originally created and edited on the old server. We connected via AFP.
The new server, which has all the old server files is where I now create and edit my RapidWeaver projects.
I have a long going project that now refuses to open. I get a message stating that there was a problem connecting to an AFP server. I have turned off AFP and we now only connect via SMB on both servers.
I believe Sonoma no longer supports AFP.
In frustration, I enabled AFP on the old server share and was able to mount the volume, but RapidWeaver just hangs trying to open the project. I do not get the error about the connection problem to the AFP server.
Is there a way to have RapidWeaver forget about or ignore the AFP share?
Also, I may try to open the project on an older Mac. I will open the project on the new SMB server, but have the AFP volume mounted. If I am successful, how can I remove all references to the AFP server from the project?
Instead of trying to figure out a way around this, you’d be better off copying the project file off the server manually, and move it to a share that is accessible by RW. Don’t forget to include all the resources (assets) that you’ll need for the project file, or you’ll keep getting the error when RW tries to access them.
Thanks for the reply. The project is on volume that is accessible. I’ve been working in it for two years or so. It is just in the last few weeks that the problem has occurred.
Yesterday I copied everything to my startup drive and I still get the message that the NAS volume is not accessible.
I think the issue has something to due with the latest OS X release.
I read somewhere that I can edit out the references to the missing NAS in a plist in the project but I’ve looked and can’t find it. I’m not real sure where exactly to look.
I have now moved all the files associated with this project to my startup drive. I also removed all of the files from folders so I have everything in a single directory.
When I try to open the RW project, it pauses for a considerable amount of time (many minutes) and then gives a message that there is a problem connecting to the server.
Again I’m asking, how can I remove the server reference from the project file.
If you had linked any assets in your resources folder in RW to your external NAS server, you’d need to re-link them now that you’ve moved them to your local machine. Otherwise RW doesn’t know those resources have been moved and will continue to try to pull them from your NAS server.
Hi, The issue is that the project will not open. I get a message that there was a problem connecting to the server.
I have opened and edited this project many times in the past and not been connected to the specific server. I have other projects that open correctly and were also started on the AFP share and then moved to a new NAS with using SMB. They work fine.
I’m not sure where to find the AFP reference in the project file and if it is possible to delete it.
I have sent the project and my addons via wetransfer.
Some background:
This project is one I have built and maintained for many years.
It relied heavily on an add-on from ChillieDog for viewing images. At some point, an OS X upgrade broke the add-on. I’ve been struggling to get a replacement.
I recently got something from Will Woodgate that was working. I was working with the project getting the images integrated into Will’s stack.
The file stopped loading a number of weeks ago. I get a constant message for a no longer used NAS server volume.
If I acknowledge the server message enough times, the project partially opens but the server message continues.