Project Theme is Missing


1 - I have installed a new SSD.
2 - I was using RW 6.3.7
3 - and now I get the message “Project Theme is Missing”

I have my Project Theme.
But I can not see it in Themes.
How do I link or upload it to Themes ???


Please tell me what to do?



OK I went to

Application Support
“the missing theme”

double clicked it and now it has appeared in Themes in RapidWeaver itself.

but it has moved because it is no longer in Application Support > RapidWeaver > Themes

Hope everything will work now.


When you have found your theme in this folder, you work with RW 5.
For RW 6 the themes are in this folder.

/Users/your_computer_name/Library/Containers/com.realmacsoftware.rapidweaver6/Data/Library/Application Support/RapidWeaver

Now the theme is in the folder for RW 6. Link above. I think, now it’s ok and you find the the in RW 6.

You can drag/ copy (alt button while dragging) the theme back in the RW 5 location

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Thank you Oscar.

I’m using RW 6.3.8 with El Capitan 10.11.3 (clean install)

I can’t find:

So I can’t find:
/Users/your_computer_name/Library/Containers/com.realmacsoftware.rapidweaver6/Data/Library/Application Support/RapidWeaver

What to do?

You can find the theme in RW 6? Then all is ok.
Here or there!

You can search the theme in Apple OSX.

Or, you look here! Open “Go to” window in the menu, press the alt/option button, then the library will appear between User and Computer.
Then you must click the whole path.
For me this path.
/Users/schmid/Library/Containers/com.realmacsoftware.rapidweaver6/Data/Library/Application Support/RapidWeaver

For you …

/Users/your name/Library/Containers/com.realmacsoftware.rapidweaver6/Data/Library/Application Support/RapidWeaver

Or you download the theme again, from the developers website.
Which theme you are looking for?

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Or much easier …

Open “Manage Addons”, then choose “Themes”, right click a theme (not all let’s reveal in finder), … you are in the right theme folder :wink:


Thanks again Oscar,

1 - I found my theme Simple-BvA01.rwtheme in RW6 Themes
2 - In Apple OS X I found my Library with alt/option button and was able to find the theme Simple-BvA01.rwtheme in
/Users/your name/Library/Containers/com.realmacsoftware.rapidweaver6/Data/Library/Application Support/RapidWeaver
3 - However I have not been able to find Reveal Add-on in Finder in RW. I simply don’t get that menu.
4 - are their other RW files in the Library?

I use 2 computers so if I move from one computer to the other which files should I copy?

Read here, Perhaps it helps. It’s a very complicated thing.

I would prefer to install RapidWeaver on the second computer, and then to reinstall all themes and plugins on the new location.
That gives a lot of work, but everything is correct.

This is the somewhat simpler way.
When you copy this file/that folder you should have all important things on the new computer.

/Users/your name/Library/Containers/com.realmacsoftware.rapidweaver6

Maybe you need retype this or that password.

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