Rapid Cart Pro Cart

Rapid Cart Pro is not working correctly. I am missing UK, and price in the cart, and also the total on PayPal.

I have deleted my website in Cyberduck, and tried uploading again, but I am still missing RCP font awesome.

Please can you provide a link?

The errors have been fixed, special thanks to Charlie at blueballdesign. It’s just RapidCart Pro that isn’t working as shown above with missing UK, and price. The first lot of prices for weight aren’t showing. It’s going directly to the 2nd weight option. Also the PayPal box doesn’t have the price on. The name to the website is found on the screenshot.

Difficult to identify the exact problem but ill take a guess. The text is actually there just the font colour is white, hence you can’t see it. I think the theme is conflicting with RCP styles or perhaps if you have added some css in RCP styles that may not work as intended? Try selecting a different theme and see what happens.

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Thank you for suggestion about the font colour. The cart worked once the colour was changed. :slight_smile:

I still have an issue with the shipping costs though. Not sure what I need to do. In Rapidweaver on the RapidCartProCart Preview page, the first UK option for shipping is showing, but when I publish the first option is skipped. Any suggestions please?

I’ve tried entering the first shipping option twice, but that doesn’t work.

These are the first options I need, that aren’t showing when published.