just created a demo- and testsite with the fee version of RapidCart Pro 4. Exported the project to a local folder and uploaded its content to a subdomain (https://hf22.bbzwww.ch).
Now on the shop page shop-(hf22) I get two lines of errors: **Deprecated** : array_uintersect(): Returning bool from comparison function is deprecated, return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero in **/srv/www/vhosts/bbzwww.ch/subdomains/hf22/httpdocs/rw_common/plugins/rapidcartpro/system/RCCatalog.php** on line **236**
This portion might be helpful: Checklist and Debug
After first publishing, RapidCart Pro offers the chance to check if your web server satisfies RapidCart requirements. You can be redirected to checklist page pushing “Check your deployed page…” button, available from plugin’s inspector about panel. This page is also available simply adding ?checklist at the end of your store’s URL (e.g. http://www.domain.com/store/index.php?checklist).
If you encounter any issues with your RapidCart Pro store, enable Debug Mode from Customization Settings in General section, republish your page and open a support ticket on http://help.4gnd.com. Don’t forget to include your store URL in your request.
thanks David for your answer,
my webhost is running PHP version 8 and so far the checklist looks fine (see screenshot). Only the PayPal option isn’t ok because there is no PayPal Business account existing yet.
I will open a ticket in the 4gnd helpsystem then.
Generally RapidCart is performing well to what my customer is expecting. I will have to show him this solution and discuss the next steps in a few days.
Yes it’s probably best to open a support ticket. I don’t know if RCP 4 can use php 8 or not. 4gnd does have a beta for RCP 5 available, might be worth looking into as well.
Debug Mode is set and the page is uploaded. But where can I open a ticket?
The URL help.4gnd.com nowhere has the option to open a ticket and also on their website there is no link to any help or support not even some kind of “about us” or “comany info”!
just set the PHP version to 7.1, the oldest possible version in my hosting settings. The error message still exists, switching back again to version 8 then.
after opening a ticket on Sunday evening I’ve got an email from 4gnd. The problem is fixed already in their test version.
Until an update is posted I will turn off the PHP warnings on my webserver. This is done in the PHPini file.
My testshop is now running on the RW plugin page. I will have to spend some time on getting a stacks page ready with RCP.