Rapidcart Pro - Problem

Hi Folks,

I posted on the developers site, and seem to have been ignored, so I’ll post to the community who may know more!

Here is my dilemma.
Scenario: I have photographic products that come in about 6 different flavours each (four sizes, Print and Canvas), and framed prints. I have clients wanting to buy my prints in the UK, European and US.

Setting up the prices for the prints is not a problem, however, setting up shipping prices are beyond me. It seems the system has one set of tariffs you can create for shipping. But, I need to be able to offer different shipping costs in different countries, based on what they order.

So, if I get an order for a framed print in the UK, it costs (example) £10, but in Europe that would be £16, and in the US, £36. If this person also orders a canvas, it will cost £10 for the UK, £12 for Europe, and £20 for the US.

Help! Its doing my brain in and as a simple photographer, I thinking I might have to drop RC Pro, and go to something else!

Thanks Steve B, The other thing I’ve had mentioned is to include basic shipping in the price of the product, and then use options to to add incremental amounts where required. Trouble is that it doesn’t handle a split product order (Canvas and framed print) for example.

I have come up with a suggestion for the folks who make RC, but they haven’t relied at all to my post.

Yes, @rob from RCP foreground has been MIA for at least a month. I haven’t heard back from him either :frowning:

Thanks for the replies everyone. It appears that there isn’t an easy way round this, even though I suggested an idea for a future enhancement to RCPro.

Guess I’ll have to look elsewhere soon.