Hot on the heels of the initial RapidWeaver 8 launch, we have the rather lovely 8.0.1 release of everybody’s favourite web design app on the Mac.
This new version fixes up a bunch of minor issues that snuck through our beta testing process. Check in-app for updates or grab it directly from here. For those of you who are curious you can take a look at the full release notes for all the details.
@dan I’m getting an “Exception while exporting site” error being displayed for some themes, after installing this 8.0.1 update. I have emailed you the details and a sample theme to download and test. Hopefully something quick you can fix for 8.0.2.
In the future we should get RapidWeaver to report these errors in a more human way, so instead say something like: “The javascript.js file couldn’t be found in the theme”.
Text in ‘Text’ stack displays as expected in edit mode but not in Preview mode - see attached screen shots. The text does display as it should when published so clearly there’s a glitch with the Preview mode.
In RW 7.x and prior, there used to be an icon at the very head of the RW window next to the project name. This would be pale if the project was not saved but bright if it was. I found this to be a very handy feature which I’d like to see replaced please.
Another little bug - when I drop an image into the new “Social Tags” the URL is incorrect for the Twitter & OG tag, it is truncating the URL to just /resources/myimage.jpg
@TimLawson - there’s nothing better than bug that fixes itself.
that said, if you see something crop back up let me know. maybe it’s just a bug with interesting trigger that you just tripped over last time. now that you know what to look for, if it crops up you’ll notice it.
@sinc Thanks for the heads-up on this. Could you email your project to along with a reference to the issue and we’ll look into fixing it asap.