RapidWeaver Community Update

I’ve just released a new version of the RapidWeaver Community site: http://rapidweavercommunity.com

Here’s an overview of some new stuff:

  1. Addon Filtering
    You can filter addons by type, popularity/release date/price, category, and developer. See this in action here http://rapidweavercommunity.com/rapidweaver/addons

  2. See who likes your addon
    User who have liked for your addons is now displayed across the site — it’s display at the bottom of all information cards, and on the addon info page. This might be an issue if you have like all of your own addons :wink:

  3. Tutorial Videos feature your addons
    If you addon is featured in a video tutorial, that tutorial will be featured on your addon info page.

We also have some features related to the tutorial pages (playback speed, better listing, displaying addons featured in the video, etc.

Have a browse around the new site and let me know what you think.

Also, if there’s something missing that you’d like me to add, let me know :slightly_smiling:


Could you check why navigation is scrambled on mobile device?


Also layout at some widths.

Great update, Ben!

One question.

Have likes been reset?
For example, one of our plugin shows 4 likes, but I see 40+ likes in Stats page.

I’m working on it. It’s one of the reasons I’m not in love with Foundation right now.

Not reset, no. But there was a bug where some addons could “lose” some likes, I am attempting to reinstate these likes, however it could mean that your like count is reset — really sorry about that :frowning:

Thank you.

BTW, release notes seem gone. Is this expected?

Working on an updated version history that will show all versions and release notes :slight_smile:

That’s great. Thank you, Ben.

Is the second drop down box a filter or an order by setting ?

If it is an order by, I suggest changing the icon to ▾