All was going well and Yesterday I completed a complete site rebuild in Foundatiion.
Today I started adding Symlink Menus - If anyone has time, please can they save their project then add an Offsite page and change the name to say ‘Test’ and try publishing? The final stage, if this works, is to add a couple of pages, so Test in the menu become a link to sub pages.
Does it crash?
I’m using Foundation and the Beachball has been a constant companion, all afternoon. Tried Restarting the Mac, Re-installing RW. Screaming point! Wondering if the Font awesome code is causing an issue in the site header.
Have a look at this thread, it seems that offsite pages have been buggy for some: Cannot save Foundation Page
Either adding a ‘#’ in the field, or ensuring that a full website address is used seems to work for most. And it sounds like the beta of 7.3 is fixing it for some as well
(Edit: here’s the thread I was originally thinking of: BUG in RW 7.2.2 & 7.2.1) Again, just make sure the field isn’t blank
I totally overlooked the obvious search term. I’ll go through this now. I have also confirmed that it is not the Font Awesome code (although it is not needed in Foundation).
This works for Offsite pages in 7.2.2:
New Offsite page. Add name and the key is a folder name, not just ‘offsite’ (if you plan to use several, it may to use 'Offsite_photo, ‘offsite_misc’)?
‘#’ in the website address was fine
I’ll change the thread name to better reflect content