RW 7.0.2 (BETA) out of control with number of files

I just upgraded to 7.0.2. OMG! A total republish is 530 files: both before 7.0.2 and with it. Nothing unusual there.

However if I mark one page as changed then to upload is now 293 files instead of the typical 4-6 files. What the heck is going on? Clearly not working right.

If there’s not an easy solution I’ll need to downgrade to 7.0.1 as this is a complete time suck. I have restarted my computer: no luck there. I have 40 pages at my site so 40 * 293 = 11, 720 files: a bit different from the 530 with a complete republish!

Hi @Mathew, can you share your project with and reference this thread in your email?

Same here! After updating all my projects!!! every single page is marked CHANGED and want publish every file again. RW want publish every podcast file again (124 podcast files), all changes updated yesterday with 7.01
It changed the connection setting from fast to slowest???

@simon I just woke up on the U.S. West Coast. Will be sending project file to you in a few minutes.

BTW, I know this will get fixed soon, but is there an easy way for me to back-grade to 7.0.1 until a fix is out? (7.0.2 seems to work perfectly fine except for the publishing problem.)

Simon: I did not include this in my original description but it was true for me also. My project had all pages unmarked (i.e. all published) before 7.0.2 upgrade. They were all marked as changed after the upgrade.

Another update. I found RW 7.0.1 on a backup hard drive. Reinstalled it. When I opened the relevant project file all the files (once again) were marked as changed. I exported. Then I marked one page as changed and exporting it resulted in 9 files being uploaded instead of 290-to-300 files. So things are working just fine for me in 7.0.1

@simon - I should point out that these issues that are being mentioned here are ones that I was experiencing in 7.0.1 but no longer experience in 7.0.2

@Gary Ha! Maybe RealMac is just trying to share the problem with the “other half” that did not experience the problem with 7.0.1. :slight_smile:

I would point out that 7.0.2 is a beta release. It is not finalized yet, so be sure to keep that in mind.

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@Elixir You may be correct, but when RW 7.0.1 checks for updates it shows 7.0.2. No beta at all indicated. So to most folks this does NOT come across as a beta release. I have no idea if 7.0.2 represents a finalized version, or is still a beta. But the update message indicates it is a finalized version.

I can see that, but I believe you have to have this enabled to receive the beta updates. Opting into them makes them show up as updates:

@Elixir You are right: I had that option checked. I’ve now de-checked the beta option. This is the first software product I’ve used that did not clearly distinguish between beta vs. final when updates were presented (even with similar “beta updates” checked). Well now I know better!

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just so everyone can see the preference pane:


Version 7 is a big disappointment so far.

The number of files for a full update of the site is close to double compared to V6 (2.400 files instead of 1300)
The update speed is als very very very slow (ftp).
It takes at least 7 times longer to fully upload

fyi : I compare exactly the same site in V6 and the auto-converted V7

extra info : I found the publishing options, and by going to the extreme fastest mode, it is still up to 3 times slower for a full publishing than V6

Lots of files continue to reupload on subsequent publishes. In other words, I make a minor change to my project, and a whole bunch of unrelated to the change resource files reupload. Maybe this is a setting that needs to be changed, but I didn’t have the problem prior to today’s 7.0.2 update to RW.

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This is a big problem. I just tested by opening my project that was published last night. I double clicked into a text field, and click out without making a change. RW recognizes this as a change to the project and I accept that. I click on Publish, and all of my resource files now are uploading AGAIN!

I downgraded to RW 7.0.1 and did the same test. Things are fine with that version. I also turned off the install betas option in my RW prefs.

Check your beta downloads now, there’s a new version of 7.0.2 that seems to have fixed the upload issues.

Version 7.0.2 (17798b)

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Just a comment…but it all these comments make we wonder if ver 7 was released a bit prematurely.

I will certainly wait until a more stable version is released. In the meantime, I will let you all do the hard work of getting this version to that point.

Thanks for your efforts

RW7 is great. We’re having trouble with beta versions. Anyway, I just downloaded the updated beta 7.0.2, and all of my files are uploading again. I’ll run a test of a minor change once this is complete and see what happens then.