When will Rapidweaver 7 stop publishing every file when I change one tiny thing?

I know it’s a common problem but dead annoying when you only change one small piece of text and every single file is uploaded again and again and again. I don’t have the fastest of interest connections so it wastes sooooo much time.

What version of 7 are you running. There was a bug in an earlier RW7 that was fixed.

I’m running the latest 7.4 beta, I might drop back to the last stable version and see if it still insists on publishing every file.

Known issues in beta.
Check out this post

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I almost never use the “general” publish feature as I have found smart publishing undependable… So my habit now is almost exclusively “single page” (and with child pages) publishing.

When I’m in ‘the zone’ I always forget to publish a single page!

Rapidweaver will always be my ‘go to’ web design program as I have invested heavily in add-ons over the years but it sure does drive me mad at times, lots of times to be honest!

But where is the fun in that!!

Dropping back to 7.3.3 has it sorted.

That has been a long time issue with RW, 5,6,7, beta or not… It happens, and there is no obvious solution otherwise it would be fixed already :slight_smile: 7.3.3 just published 433 blog files in exchange of me removing one space character…

If a program has a feature it should work!

Which beta did you run? And, if it wasn’t the most recent (link below) give that a shot (because reports were that the issue was fixed)

If the issue still exists in that beta please use the Give Feedback green button at the top to report it so we can fix that.

Also, if you’re using Pluskit or another addon that when making a change that does affect every page then of course it might need to republish them all.

You guys fixed it in 7.4, cool!

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I was using the latest beta and didn’t have Pluskit only stacks pages. Everything is fine on 7.3.3, I think I will stay away from betas from now on thanks.

Actually, it’s not fixed, still publishing 400 items for 1 character change in one blog post…

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Are your photos drag and drop or resourced? Then yes, this is normal. If you warehouse it doesn’t do that.

I’m not completely sure why you consider normal that one blog entry change triggers uploading 400+ items from completely separate entries… Update to one php triggers re-uploading pictures from other php, is that normal? Shouldn’t RW process the changes only?

No, because it can’t only upload part of a page.

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Isn’t it true that each page has to be republished because it only sees a “change” and so it assumes (to be on safe side) archives and categories might have changed. I don’t think it knows exactly what has changed. ie, if you merely change an entry category or date (archive) it has to change every page since those appear on every page. I believe that is what is happening but I don’t guarantee it.

I got around that by publishing to a local folder and then I merely uploaded (ftp) the rw_folder and the single page (or two) I changed. (index page and the “archive” page) - That worked for me for years. Note that I don’t do the blog any longer so your experience may differ. I converted to all stacks pages and I run a “manual blog.” No archives or categories, but an alphabetical listing of all entries by using Sitemap to create the alpha list.


If you warehouse your images, it will only need to update little changes. I have been working on my blog and here’s the perfect example… 24 files publishing. I’m updating photos… I do a set or two, then publish the page again. So I’ve been doing this all day and I have more to do. So if you haven’t checked out warehousing, you should. Big difference :slight_smile:


Interest… Lisa, Do you have categories and archives turned on? How do all category/archive sidebars get updated on all other pages?

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Is that a RW blog page or poster stack?

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