RW Publishing when using Cloudflare


I’m using RW Version 7.5.5 (18814), I’ve enabled Cloudflare on the site, SSL option is turned on and I have https working.

I have a subdomain setup that, that already has a site published to it, that I’m trying to update/publish to from Rapidweaver. When I do I get an “offline” error, as if my username/password is wrong.

I can sign in using Forklift as an ftp client, with the same sign in credentials.

If I ‘pause’ Cloudflare publishing from RW works again.

I’ve tried setting Cloudflare to bypass ftp, but that hasn’t worked.

If anyone has had a similar experience or can provide some pointers to help me resolve I’d appreciate it.

Many thanks



You cannot FTP into a subdomain that is managed through Cloudflare. You need to setup another alias inside CF that is disabled.

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