Shopping Cart question!

Question mostly for @yabdab and @rob đź—Ł We need more questions (Wednesday 9th December) - #5 by scottjf - RapidWeaver - RapidWeaver Forum

I am looking for a shopping cart solution and am having trouble finding something that will do what I require.
The client hires out entertainment equipment such Jumping Castles, Mechanical Bull rides, Sumo Suits etc. Good fun business hey…

They charge a fee depending upon how long the hire is, i.e. $770 for 4 hours or $660 for 3 hours then there maybe a delivery fee if the customer is outside the free delivery area, so they may charge $660 + $75 for delivery and then they may negotiate a discount as well.
So each quote varies in price, so for example it could be $660 + $75 less 5% discount so actual charge is $698.25

Is there a shopping cart solution that we can use so that the the client (owner of the business) can enter the price each time for that specific customer?

Can PayLoom / RapidCart do that? Or do you know of something else that can do this, that works with RW?

Payloom and Paysnap will not do this, but Cartloom will.

The seller can create “spinoff” for each hour-block of time and give it a different price based on what the buyer selects.

The delivery fee can be handled by setting up a custom shipping rule based off the buyers location.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

RapidCart Pro can do this combining Multiplier value for Number type options and Additional costs and discounts.


RapidCart Pro supports options with multiplier. You can set a price per hour (for example 220 USD) and the customer will be charged 660 USD for 3 hours.
If the price is not directly proportional to hours you can set a dropdown “hours” with different price increments.
For shipping fees, you can set different shipping methods and different prices based on customer location with a free shipping over 123.45 USD for example.
Discounts (and additional costs) rules can be set to add a 5% discount based on cart total, items or weight.

@rob we think as one LOL

@ben we apologize for our late reply, but today it’s a national holiday here. :slight_smile:

I too was going to suggest CartLoom. Inexpensive, does what you want, and great support!

Thanks guys we talk about both on episode 19, especially RapidCart Pro and how I can use it to pimp Ben out:


Thanks, Dan.
“Prostitute” option will be available in next release. :wink:

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Excellent, Ben will be happy!

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