Skipping folders (subdirectories?)

Another newbie question, and I have no idea on the jargon.
I’m trying to set up some pages on my site where I can have some part of the directory hidden.

For example:

What if I don’t want to have a page called food, but I still want people to get to pizza, burgers and chips from the menu/top bar? Obviously I want to keep that heading of “Food” for people to get to the drop down menu, but I don’t want there to be an actual page called Food.


Depending on the theme, you are either able to click that food link or not.

That can be a bit dependent on the theme you are using as for how the “dropdown” works.

This will work with most themes.

In the example above for the “food” page (the one that doesn’t really exist) choose an offsite page as the page type.

Set the page URL for the offsite to a #

Set the folder name to food:

Now for the subpages like pizza and burgers, add the pages, drag them to be under subpages to the food page.


In the page settings set the folder name to be /food/pizza or burger etc. it should start with a /


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I’ve just got the basic RW8 with Foundation, no option there that I can see for an offsite page but I’ll give the general settings a try.
I guess it wouldn’t work with /food/pizza if there’s no /food/ page right?

An offsite page is a built-in page type. It’s there just keep looking.

is the folder. The page should work, just won’t be on the menu.

Oh, right it’s in that drop down thing at the top. Can’t remember the last time I used that!

Foundation supports headers in the TopBar menu. From the foundation docs:


You can have any part of a menu bar not be a link. All you need to do is make a new page, but not a stacks page. We suggest you use an Offsite Page and leave the URL setting blank. Then put this code in for the Page Title:

<header>Page Name</header>

Actually that can be just “pizza”, without full folder path.


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