Small change results in 1000+ file upload

Hey all,

Been using RW since version 2 or 3 if memory serves. Finally getting around to posting this question.

When making a change to a site, adding an additional text stack, for example, RW updates the site and uploads a few files as expected.

If I go back in the same session, and change just one word in a text stack, RW then uploads 1300 files!

Can anyone tell me what is going on?


What version of RapidWeaver you are using?

Can you regularly reproduce this behavior?

If you can then perhaps RelMac @dan could get a copy of the project file with the detailed steps needed to reproduce the issue.

Sorry to hear you’re having publishing problems.

Can you reliably replicate the problem? If so, we’d love to get the project so we can get to the bottom of what’s causing it for you!

I posted this same question on the new RW forum a while back here.

RapidWeaver staff keeps telling me to replicate and send a log. I have done so twice with no answers and no help from them.
I did reach out to Greg, the guy who runs Chilliidog software, my host who offered some all new publishing settings for me. This seems to have solved the problem so far. [fingers crossed.]

You can just publish an individual page as a workaround when appropriate. Right click the page in the list on the right and select ‘Publish Page’

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