Stacks 5.3 fails to load on macOS 10.14

Happy New Year all!
I’m a inexperienced user trying to update all my system to maintain my old website.
on a Mac Pro (2010) running OSX 10.14.6 I just updated to RW Classic & bought the bundle from Yourhead.
I’ve tried everything I know to get Stacks 5 to install. Yourhead support havent replied…
I get the warning that "Rapidweaver failed to load some plugins,:Stacks couldn’t obtain plugin principle class. As I understand this is for Silicon Macs needing to enable Rosetta, I’m of course on Intel.
Can anyone help me please?

You should get a refund on the bundle, apart from Stacks, none of those plugins are being updated and supported anymore. It’s a bit naughty they are still being sold tbh — Both Pluskit and Blocks will crash RapidWeaver and make it unstable.

Yes, Rosetta is only required for Apple Silicon Macs running non-native plugins like PlusKit.

I’m wondering if Stacks 5 even supports 10.14.6 — Can you try downloading Stacks 4 and see if that runs for you? Here’s a download link for Stacks 4.3.0.

As far as we can tell YourHead/Isaiah ignore support requests for months at a time. It’s been like this for many, many years, and it’s infuriating. Sorry we can’t be of more help.

Thankyou Dan for your enlightening (but disappointing) reply!
Yes Stacks 4 installs easily - but of course I dont have a serial number for it ;-/
I will write to Yourhead but it sounds like a long shot to get any joy from them…
Can you please tell me what I require to build a simple single user website to showcase my audio and video work?
It all seems a bit of a minefield out there that I can waste a lot of money on.
BTW on their website Stacks 5 requires minimum OS 10.12 which is why I purchased it.

I did a quick search on the YourHead Discord support channel and found some information. It looks like Stacks 5 now requires macOS 10.15 or newer.

I’d recommend asking @Isaiah for a refund and seeing if you can purchase Stacks v4.

Sorry this has not been straight forward for you, let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help.

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Thankyou for your advice, Im very grateful. The only other help you might be able to give me is advice on which addons RW does require for an audio/photo personal website…

Hi! I am running RW 8 on an older MBP for a couple of sites. I upgraded to Stacks 5 (5.3) and it would not load. On the archives page I DL 5.0 and it runs like clock-work!

Edited to add that the OS is Mojave (10.14.6)

Edited again to add that even PlusKit works (save the way Google Sheets has changed their system so I cannot import).

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Many thanks for this tip!
I just installed 5.1.2 and it works…so far

Merci Bien!

Glad you got it working, just remember not to upgrade to newer version of Stacks!