Stacks background, margins and padding not publishing correctly

I am running RW 6.3.2, Stacks 3 beta and rying to publish my site made in Bootsnap theme, but it appears that the borders, padding, margins and background colors in most stacks are not being published. Instead, there are not borders, backgrounds, padding and margins at all.

Could this be a Stacks 3 problem?

My site is

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Any time some of the basics are missing, I always recommend trying the Republish All Files command:

This is not the same as a plain old Publish. It ignores the publishing cache and forces everything to be uploaded again.

That said, I’ve looked at the page you’ve posted and it looks to be in working order. So I suspect you’ve already found this answer, or perhaps found a different solution.


Thanks so much for the response. I really appreciate it! I ended up having problems with the cache on the server end of things that was causing problems. I fixed that and it is all good!

:thumbsup: – glad to hear all is well.