SVG images in preview mode

It seems RW 7 is not displaying SVG images in Preview mode in a stack. If I missed this bug report elsewhere, I apologize. I’ve been away from the office since Wednesday night.

RW Version - 7.0.1 | Build 17728
OS X - El Cap 10.11.5

Here’s a copy of the Bloom stack, which is exhibiting this problem:
Here’s a sample project file:

It uses SVG images for the iconography in the stack. The zoom, close and arrow icons are all SVGs. None appear in Preview mode, but once you export or publish they show up just fine.


Let me know if you need anything else.

I use SVGs and they seem to be displaying just fine in my projects.

@Elixir I am currently working on a stack that also uses SVG’s. I have the same setup as you regarding versions. Here is a as simple as it gets test stack for you to try, I see a pinterest svg in both preview and edit mode when I deploy this test stack to the page :

@Doobox: Thanks for the test file. Interesting. I’m linking to the SVG image in my stack as an asset instead of embedding it as you are. Perhaps that is the difference?

Maybe the error is only seen when used as a background for a <div></div> in the CSS as I’m using it instead of embedding it as Doobox has in his example.

Just a bump to see if @simon or someone else can take a look at this. If you need anything more than what I provided above in the first post, please let me know. I’d be glad to provide it to help out.

Sorry, I must have missed this thread. I’ve identified where the issue is coming from and it’s fixed in the next release. Thanks for reporting it!

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Thanks @simon! Really appreciate it.

@Elixir Check for beta updates :slight_smile:

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Awesome! Looks like it is working so far in my tests.

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Awesome, that’s what we like to hear!