Thanks to RM and YourHead (8.1.5)

As a long time user of the RapidWeaver blog plugin, the transition from RW 7 -> 8 was rough over these past few months. Not only were there the tricky photo/social tag eraser bugs, but my liberal use of PlusKit to hack away at fonts and the footer added another dimension of difficulty. I ended up back in 7.5.4, waiting for all of these issues to be resolved.

Through these past few months, both Realmac and YourHead have worked very diligently to get these issues addressed and fixed. I’ve upgraded my sites from 7.5.4 to 8.1.5 today and all is well.

Special thanks to @dan, @bon, @Isaiah, and all of the folks who put together this great product. I’m glad to be fully operational on 8 and enjoying all of its great features!


So lovely to hear!

Thanks for the kids words, it really does makes all the hard work worth it :+1:


Hi Chet, Can you tell us what OS you are on? Thanks Marty

The latest public stable release of Mojave. I’m away from my computer right now and wanted to give you a quick answer. RW 8.1.5 and Stacks 3.6.6

Hi all,

I love to hear a bit more feedback from other users regarding RW 8.1.5 and Stacks 3.6.6

I’m still on 8.0.3 and am wary about updating considering surrounding issues, particularly the resource linking.

I’m not clear…due to the sandboxing will all users moving up to 8.1.x need to relink their resources? @dan @bon

Thanks to everyone who makes RW and the RW community so great.

Cheers Scott


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