That one stack I can't do without -- Scribe

This is kind of a review, kind of a rave…

Normally I just would have left a like and a review at – but this stack doesn’t seem to show up there. So I’m raving here – if that’s inappropriate, let me know.

The stack is Scribe by Big White Duck. What do I like about it? I could tell you, but I’d prefer to show you…

This is a Scribe stack in a Foundry Overlap. Normally, to do what you see here I would have used two headers, some kind of stack that allowed floating images, a ParagraphPro stack, and another Paragraph stack. This is all one stack, though – the headers are markdown, the image and drop cap are child stacks that are built in to Scribe.

It’s just…nice. One other cool thing – every paragraph in the Scribe stack is wrapped neatly in it’s own <p> tags.

I’m a big fan of this stack, and of Big White Duck stacks as well. I admire the work that @tav puts in on these. And also – the name “Big White Duck!” Who doesn’t like that? :smile:


It is certainly a very useful stack, although you could have done the same with one html stack.

@douga Thank you very much for your support. I’m glad that you find it useful.

In addition to your example, there is of course also the one stack page on the demo site showing what one Scribe can do in a totally blank theme

This is the case for absolutely any stack though assuming the user can code and can write their own CSS to support the HTML. Seems to defeat the idea of RW and stacks though.


Au contraire, @tav, old bean. It is very useful when transitioning from an old site created with an html editor, allowing you to paste paragraphs into your new RW site. In the long term, of course, I’d prefer to use Scribe or Paragraph stacks, although it sometimes takes me a long time!:grinning:

As a big fan of Scribe, I’m sorry Peter, but adding some text to a HTML stack, presumably wrapping each paragraph in <p> is hardly doing the same as Scribe.

It’s a bit like saying you can do everything a car can do with a horse and cart.

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but you still need to handle all the CSS, you can’t paste in a floating image via HTML alone for example.


As you are here @tav any plans to build on Scribes present (brilliant) featureset?

I’ve got a few ideas if you are open to suggestions?

I am certainly open to suggestions. Feel free…

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I would like to chime in again with a practical example of what I used Scribe for not too long ago.

I am currently creating a website for a writer, and she wants a few examples of her work online. Each of these consists of at least two to three hundred paragraphs. I could have separated each paragraph out into a paragraph stack – but I’d probably still be doing that… :slight_smile: Using Scribe, however, I just pasted the text in, and now the paragraphs are correctly formatted in html.

Also: when I showed the author the Drop Cap and Lead Paragraph features, she was very enthusiastic, so I’ve ended up using those as well.

@TemplateRepo, As I said, if you have some legacy html, it’s a big time-saver. I’d much rather use Scribe if I were creating new material.

@peterdanckwerts You can of course paste HTML straight into markdown areas and mix and match. The Scribe styling controls will work on both the markdown and HTML content. The markdown content is immediately processed into HTML in edit mode any how.


Thank you, @tav. I had forgotten that. Even better than I thought!

Scribe is most definitely my favorite stack and I agree I could not live without it!

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The more I use Scribe the more I learn and the more I become impressed at just how much this feature rich but lightweight stack can achieve - a formidable stack for sure - as a community we are seriously blessed to have @tav support us.


Thx for the review everyone!! I’m totally new to Raid Weaver and I’m learning how to use it. The concept is foreign to me and knowing what stacks to use for Type is very very helpful!!! -Allen

Hi and good day,

I’m using Scribe a lot, but 2 things I cannot do yet:

1.) Quote 1

Read More

You can make any paragraph collapse with a Read More expanding link by placing a character ^ before the paragraph.

=> doesn’t work for me,

^collapsing? - no.

BTW: I’m on Foundry, but the RW demo file is built on Foundation.

2.) Quote 2

Floating Images

You can use as many floarting image child stacks as you want. In the settings you can select where each one should appear within the Scribe content.

Yes - I’d very much like to let an image float: left or right, but how is this done with Scribe?

Any assistance would be much appreciated!

With best regards,
Omar KN

I have a small example using Foundry where the floating image is working well. I could send that to you if you like.

I’m seeing a problem with the Read More as well – @tav, would you like me to send you the example?

This is using Stacks 4, btw. I seem to recall that it worked with Stacks 3, but my memory is not the best…

Hi and good day Doug,

Yes sure please send the ”small example using Foundry where the floating image,”

to: onesr AT comhem DOT se


with best regards,

Omar KN

Stockholm, Sweden

As per the first line of text in the demo file: “You do not need Foundation…” There is a list of stacks used in the project and none of them are Foundation. You can simply change the theme to Foundry. All the other required stacks to see the page as it is published are free ones.

The below example project uses the Foundry theme with the read more enabled for a custom paragraph using the template ^ symbol

I’ve also put in 2 floating images, one left and one right using the position setting in the Floating Image child:

Here is the simple example project file (RW8 / Stacks 4 / Foundry):

If you need any more help feel free to use my support forum here or drop me an email to the BWD support address.


I can confirm that it is theme/framework independent, it also works with Platform as advertised :sunglasses: