Total CMS with PHP 8

I cannot get Total CMS blog to work an am beginning to suspect that it might be a PHP issue. Does anyone know if Total CMS works with PHP 8

In the TotalCMS updates section, there are references to using PHP 8. Joe actually recommends it. Total CMS Stack for RapidWeaver

Both Total CMS and Easy CMS a minimum of PHP 7.4+.

I run TCMS on PHP 8 with Chillidog as a host.

However, not all PHP 8 server installations are the same. A good test would be to try with PHP 7.4 and if it still doesn’t work, it’s probably your setup. If it does, then suspect the server PHP 8

Thanks … I will try 7.4

I switched to 7.4 and after some file permission issues I got it to work and then switched back to 8 and everything appears to be OK. Thanks

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