I have just purchased RW Ver 8, my last web site I designed on Ver 6 / 7 I’m not sure of this.
Would it be possible to bring the files into Ver 8 so I can say time because I only what to up-date my web site with new material etc.
I still have all the files form 2009 when they were up-loaded to the FTP server .
Could anyone help please, it would really save me a lot of time…
Many thanks
Regards Fil
This discussion should help you. It’s always worth searching the forum to see if issues like yours have been discussed before.
Good luck!
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Many thanks
I thought that would be the better and safer way. I’m going to try and open some of the old files so I can possibly copy some of the content.
I haven’t used Stacks before so I thing that’s the way to go .
Thanks again
Regards Fil
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