Hi there everyone! It’s great to be here to read and respond to peoples queries and responses, both in reading and replying. I hope to find the great many submissions both helpful and educating, it’s a joy, and I am pleased to see it a successful bunch in the lounge and other areas of RapidWeaver for Mac. I am using this to duhhh, build a website to see if I build. I am trying, with some road blocks, and minor learning curves, but if it is readable, then it is doable! Well good enough, off I go building, so cheers and have a splendid day building with your version, as I am with my version of rapidWeaver 9 classic with stacks and add ons. My present problem is that when I add a page to start building on and when finished I create some more pages, they don’t get linked to my first page (has a house) the page has a page sheet icon. They aren’t linked or published together, what am I not doing correctly. I had to copy all from my pages (sheet icons) and add it to the first page (with the house icon) then publish. It works then, but not with individual pages, they aren’t linked. Confused.