I have a website that I am upgrading from RW5.3.2 to RW7. I have already installed RW5.4.1 and opened/saved the project. The project includes Stacks, PlusKit and a RWExtras stack called flexShow. I’ve updated Stacks and PlusKit - can’t find an updated version of flexShow (Mauricio Sabene?). I should be good to go, yes? But here’s the wrinkle …
The Mac running RW5.3.2 is on Mac OS10.8 and is on it’s last legs, so I have RW7 installed on a new iMac running 10.11.6. In preparation for converting the project to RW7 on the new Mac, don’t I need to first have RW5.4.1 installed on it? If so, aren’t there Application Support, etc. files I need to copy over from the old Mac to the new Mac?
I guess the question is: when migrating RW5.4.1 to new Mac running 10.11.6, besides the app itself, what other files need to be brought over so that the themes, plugins, etc. will be in place and ready for the eventual upgrade to RW7?