Hello! I am having issues using Version 8.9.3 on Mac OS 10.14. I am trying to use a RW blog page with a theme flood theme “material”. The time shows 1982 and uneditable, un selectable. The master style font size selections do not show up accurately or responsively.
I’m just setting this up so there is nothing online to see at this point.
Please tell me what I’m doing wrong, thank you.
It would be great to have the blog format with the ability to use blocks, but I haven’t found one that just works with on the computer original blog creation.
I don’t have a lot of experience with the built-in blog, but I just tested it and I’m able to select the date and time and change them. SO maybe I don’t understand what you are referring too.
You are going to have to be a bit more specific here. Again I just tried and they seem to work for me with the Material theme.
The break point is at 767/768px between the mobile and desktop.
I agree with @teefers that, as far as I can tell, all works for me.
It does seem unusual that 1982 is the time that is on your poat as when I create a post, it is the current date from my desktop. And I can update/change the date easily.
I’m wondering if OS 10.14 is compatible with RW 8.9.3?
That was part of my question and why I posted those numbers. I just did the update today before workin on RW. I closed RW and shut down the computer. Then opened it into safe mode to get it to self check. Upon reopening, everything seems the same.
Regarding the date, I didn’t start with apple computers until the 512E sometime later in the 80’s!
HOLY MOLEY!! I’ve missed the boat entirely! On the blog post, I have to click + to add a post and then, wouldn’t you know it, the date changes to today. So sorry to bother everyone. Its been way too long since I’ve been active on RW, (and likely in other parts of my brain as well.)