Weavium - Kalendar stack (Version 1.0.7) now supports recurring events!

Hi all,

We are happy to announce that the latest version of our Kalendar stack now provides basic support for recurring/repeated events! : D

It wasn’t easy and took quite a bit of time, but we’ve finally got an initial setup working~
We don’t expect the first round to be completely bugless, so if anyone finds any issues, please let us know.

Thank you!


Is there any chance of it supporting a set number of upcoming events for all calendars including external ones? It looks so empty when there isn’t an event on today from an external calendar.

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Icons are not visible, so conceived?

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Yes the stack icon somehow got left out of the production file, but it won’t affect the stack in any way~

We will get the icon added again shortly : )

We have got a lot of requests for upcoming events so this feature is currently in the works. :+1:



Well done! This is just what this stack needed!


Hi, nice stack! It does not work with an URL with port: http://domain.com:1234

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