It’s my great great pleasure to announce that Brad Halstead (aka @Turtle) has now teamed up with me and Stuart (@kryten) to offer more timely support helping out customers with questions, fixing bugs and just getting docs updated for users.
We’re thrilled to have him on board and it’s an exciting time for Yuzoolthemes and our users.
This is perfectly great timing with RapidWeaver 7 being launched shortly…
Straight into the fire, @Turtle - I’m curious, is the main difference between Yuzool’s Stripe and Stripe Checkout stacks is the former takes a user-defined amount of money (i.e. accepts payments that vary from person to person), while the latter is for purchasing something with a pre-determined price?
Your understanding of the different stacks are fairly accurate but there is more to them than just that.
Stripe allows you to take payments on your site (if you don’t have a store) for stuff like snail mailing an invoice and having the client pay on your website. Recurring Charges are a feature here for memberships (like a club or an online group/subscription service)
Stripe Checkout is basically the same except that it is online store oriented and has more payment options (Bitcoin, AliPay and Remember me feature)
Both are single instance purchases… i.e., you cannot continue shopping so payment is handled per item or you have to define a group of items a-la-cart style. Both require a valid SSL certificate.
Does that help with the descriptions a bit better?
To be honest, I haven’t played with them yet and am working my way through the various themes and stacks that I did not have before I was assimilated…
Thanks, for further queries, can you please start a new thread so that the items are more sortable/searchable? Appreciate it muchly Jason.
@yuzool@Turtle I can login to the Yuzool site to view past purchases but when using the same details to create a support request it says the details are invalid, even though I am already logged in to the site.
I have a pre-sales enquiry about Retinafy, since I am currently seeing rendering issues on webkit browsers using retina resolution images on on non-retina displays.
I have BUG, that hasn’t allowed my Stripe Stacks by Yuzoolthems Bundle, accept donations. I have been hoping that Realmac support would help, but still waiting. I think that stripe support are robots, all they do is link me to developer pages.
I have been trying to work on this since for about 3 weeks now, and we are unable to launch our fundraising campaign.
Then there is DONORBOX, which has a perfect donation page, but now they are asking us to pay for SSL Certificate?? so we are stuck again.
HELP US ON OUR FUNDING PAGE, we are going broke.