What's the latest in calendars for RW7?

What’s the latest in calendars for RW7? I know there is dDateLoom and DateSnap but the video on them doesn’t and the data I found a bit bare.

I would like something I can add a hyperlink to for more information. Anything like that?

Pretty much nothing has happened since Dateloom and DateSnap (I have both). I too am looking for something that fits in with todays mobile devices. I would also love to have an upcoming events feed from a calendar something that is available on other platforms by the bucket full. You can insert a Google Calendar into a site but they look awful.

It’s not a perfect solution but this article explains how to make google calendars responsive. This works on maps, too.

I used DateSnap for awhile but found my clients didn’t like it. They wanted to see things in list form. So I got Rails and now use that for our calendar and so far it’s been great. You can see it at http://www.gvrdc.org on the Calendar page.


Thanks. I like how you handled the calendar.

Mary, I wonder if you could say a little bit more about how you did that list. When Google calendars had RSS feeds, I could create a list that way, but since they dropped support, I’ve been at a loss for how to create a list that pulls from a Google calendar.

Kevino, this looks interesting, have you got an example of how you have used this on a RapidWeaver site?

Jonathan, Wish I could help you but I’ve never used Google Calendars. I made my calendar list by just typing in the events for each date using the stack RAILS. Nothing too fancy I’m afraid but I really like how you can click on a month and go directly to the list for that month.


I’ve created a simple RW7 project that can be used to display a google calendar. There are some brief instructions that explain how to get your calendar into the page as well as a link to the full article explaining how to make google embed code responsive. This works for google maps as well. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21549545/calendarSample.zip

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There is a new calendar stack out from Rapid Ideas https://gumroad.com/l/yFpNN called Event Calendar. I have bought it already (it’s on offer for $5.90) and it is almost there! You can add events yourself or load a Google calendar into it. It has a list of upcoming events taken from the calendar and you can change lots of colours etc. It’s nice to have an option!

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Does it have ability to export an event to the users calendar iCal, outlook etc.?

No there isn’t, it’s a very simple calendar stack. You can add events manually (but not with a Google calendar enabled) and add a link to whatever you want. I could see this stack growing to include lots of features in the future.

Thanks for the reply Jonathan. It looks nice but I need one that will allow a visitor to add an event to their calendar.


I need an event calendar for a new site in planning. I plan to use foundation. I essentially need the staff be able to simply add/change/delet events, hide the calendar or switch views similar to https://www.phpjabbers.com/event-booking-calendar/ The ability to add events from .ics or ical is also a plus.

can you contact me regarding this?

Rapid Ideas is no longer available

It was in September 2016 when I posted it!