Where are RW 8 theme files kept on the mac?

Okay, I have a really dumb question and I can’t seem to find an answer.

I’m upgrading to RW 8 from 6. I found a theme I liked. I duplicated it so I could play CSS and HTML games with the copy. But I can’t seem to find where RW 8 keeps it’s third party theme files. I’ve looked in the application package, I’ve looked in the Library=>Containers=>com.realmacsoftware.rapidweaver8, and I have been skimming the forum.

Obviously I’m overlooking something. Can anyone help?

If you go to the ‘View’ menu and select ‘Reveal Addons Folder’, you should be able to find a ‘Themes’ folder (as well as a ‘themes styles’ folder).

Or ⌘ command+7 should get you there as well


Thank you very much.

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