Which Workman stacks can be used without Foundation

On Workman’s site (Weaver’s Space), in the Stacks section, are all of the stacks listed there not dependent on using Foundation itself? I’ve seen him say that the stacks provided with Foundation itself (and addon packs I guess, wherever you get those which isn’t clear) are dependent on Foundation and not intended to use without it. But it is not clear if any of the stacks in his site’s Stacks section also requires Foundation. Looking at the FAQs part of several of them never shows Foundation in the list of requirements, so I am hoping that these are designed to work independently of Foundation. Could someone (maybe Joe) clarify which of the stacks on his site can be used without Foundation? (and yes, I understand there is no guarantee even if they aren’t designed as dependent)

All of his stacks Except the 3 foundation add on packs work with any theme.

But are any of the stacks in his add-ons (or shipped with Foundation) also listed in the Stacks section (https://www.weavers.space/stacks/)? Just want to make sure that the ones in that section are eligible for me to consider.

No they are listed with/as foundation

Okay, good - thanks. it just wasn’t clear from looking at his site.

Yep. All of my stacks work in any theme. Well except for the Foundation stacks themselves.

That’s good to hear Joe, thanks!

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